Posts in Teens
Empathy is about guessing (and why it’s your best tool for problem behaviors)

What is empathy, and how can we use it correctly to stop the negative behaviors from our kids (you know, the tantrums, hitting, whining, sibling fighting?) Click to read this article and we’ll talk about how to use empathy and active listening effectively with your kids. I’ll give you ideas and examples for how to use these skills at home and you’ll be amazed at the results!  #empathyforkids #negativebehavior #parenting #parentingtips #tantrums #toddlers

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Why kids hit (and how to respond when they do)

Kids fight. Siblings fight. Toddlers can be aggressive. Let’s talk about the importance of knowing how and when to draw the line and find solutions for when the hitting, biting and pushing starts. We’ll discuss what to do when your kids hit each other and how our own childhood can inform our reactions to the aggression we see between our kids. Click to read the article, it’s going to be fun! #negativebehavior #siblingsfighting #positiveparenting#parentingtips

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4 skills to work on to parent successfully as a team

Having a vision for your kid’s life, and communicating that vision and your values to all of the people that have a hand in raising your kid (grandparents, teachers, friends, babysitters) can be a challenge. Let’s look at the four skills you really need to hone in on to make this extended “parenting team” a success. #positiveparenting #intentionalparenting #parentingtips

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Anxiety takes you to the future

Anxiety brings with it both physical symptoms felt in the body and thoughts that seem to invade your mind. In this article, we’ll discuss those intrusive thoughts, which are usually focused on bad things happening in the future. We’ll talk about strategies you can use to take control back from your anxiety, as well as what you might work on in counseling to lessen your anxiety. #anxiety

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